Instructor of the Month: Vicky

Mar 19

Congratulations to our Instructor of the Month for March: Vicky.

Vicky left her corporate role to set up her baby-based business and hasn't looked back!

There's some background on Vicky below and we also have her live Zoom interview on Wednesday at 12pm. It is free and open to all. Access it here.
Name:  Vicky Morgan

Lives: Leamington Spa, Warwickshire

What do you teach? Baby Massage

How long have you been an instructor? Since January 2023

What made you want to become an instructor? After having my first child (which coincided with lockdown), I decided I wanted to leave the corporate world and have a change in career. After the birth of my second child my business partner and I launched our Antenatal business, it only took a few short months to realise mums aren’t supported and held in those early days and we needed to do something for mums. Baby Massage felt like (and is) the perfect service as it allows us to to support new mums in a very calming relaxed environment whilst also giving them the time and space to bond with their baby.

Have you always been an instructor? No, I was in the corporate world as a Consultant Cyber Security Program Manager for the past 10 years - oh how different this is!

What’s your favourite part of your job? Seeing the change in both mum and baby throughout the weeks; mums really start to open up and relax, babies pick up on this energy and also become familiar with the surroundings / massage techniques and they relax into it. It’s a lovely progression.

How do you keep your skills up to date? Do you have any favourite websites that you use? I use the To Baby and Beyond Facebook group a lot to see what others are doing. We have also invested in additional courses such as colic and reflux,  understanding postpartum support etc to allow us to provide a more holistic service within the one course.

What qualities do you think are important in an instructor? To be welcoming. The rest you can learn, but those initial first impressions really do count. It makes the difference between having mums open up, or completely close down and it’s really hard to come back from this.

What benefits do you derive from teaching?
Teaching has allowed me to tune in and fully learn to understand myself. I have gone on a self-healing journey since starting to become a teacher as I now recognise the importance of my energy in the room, and how my limiting self beliefs can play out in various ways in a class.

Have you learnt anything surprising about baby massage?  Truly how beneficial it is to baby. I was very naive going into it, thinking it was more of a ‘lovely thing for mum and baby to do’ but now adding my knowledge around colic and reflux I can really support mums to work with their babies and relieve some of these common symptoms.

What’s your top tip for other instructors?
You may not like social media but it is your best friend. People like to post cute photos of their baby; every class we do we make it very Instagrammable which means our posts get shared and we always get an influx of bookings on massage day when people are posting those photos. Also, playing devil's advocate to this, think about what you bring to the sessions. Someone asked me recently: ‘Do you really think people come to the sessions because it looks nice? No they don’t: they come to the sessions for you, you are enough’.

Have you had an amusing experience in your work as an instructor? Lots of poonamis which is a good sign I guess!

Who would you most like to teach on one of your courses and why? The millions of baby each year misdiagnosed with ‘colic’ and silent reflux.

What are your plans for the future? We are just about to start recruiting for people to run more classes so we support more families locally. We are also looking for a bigger venue and are in the process of starting a podcast so Baby Massage and my passion for it will certainly feature.

Thank you Vicky; another fascinating interview with one of our fabulous students! Vicky's story shows you that you don't need to have a particular background to start teaching baby massage, or run a baby-based business. 

Check out Vicky's website here and her fab Insta feed here.

You can find out more about Vicky in our free live interview on Wednesday 20th March at 12pm. It's open to all and you can access it here.
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