Instructor of the month: Zsuzsanna

Nov 2

It's November and time for another superstar to feature as our Instructor of the Month. Meet Zsuzsanna who is hugely well qualified in many of our instructor courses.

Read on to find out what inspired Zsuzsanna to take control of her career and learn to teach baby and child classes. We've also got the recording of the live interview with Zsuzsanna which is well worth spending a few minutes watching. Grab a cuppa and settle back...

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Name: Zsuzsanna Roth-Garai - but everyone calls me Susie.


What do you teach?
I teach baby massage, baby yoga, tummy time, toddler yoga, pre-school yoga. and Calmer Stories. I am also trained to teach kids yoga but I'm not teaching it just yet. I also teach baby yoga and pre-school yoga in Hungarian as a volunteer at the Hungarian Community School.

How long have you been an instructor? Since 2019.

What made you want to become an instructor? My first-born son was hypotonic and I have attended baby massage, baby yoga and swimming, along with private physio, to help him reach his milestones. He was not rolling until the age of 9 months.

I appreciated all the benefits of these classes and, as I couldn’t go back to work part time in my previous role, I thought I would love to help other moms and babies. We went through loads of things with my son and I want to support other people with the sessions that I am teaching. 
Have you always been an instructor? No; I was a transport coordinator for the UK.

What’s your favourite part of your job?
Seeing the little ones to reach their milestones and getting all feedback from parents about the benefits they receive from my classes.

How do you keep your skills up to date?
I attend CPD courses with To Baby and Beyond and always learn something new. I do lot of research and enjoy reading relevant books too; at the moment I'm enjoying a book about children's yoga.

What qualities do you think are important in an instructor?
Friendly, honest, willingness to help and support others, good listener.
What benefits do you derive from teaching?
I love the flexibility I have with the time and can work around my kids and school run. I am a very open person and I love meeting new people every time.

What’s your top tip for other instructors?
Please do not give up if your classes go low on numbers. We always have ups and downs in business. Change something and keep it up and running. Continuity is very important in our business. To find the right venue is key, then find the best time for the sessions too. Always learn something and improve your skills and knowledge around your classes.

Have you had an amusing experience in your work as an instructor?

In the nursery where I deliver sessions, the kids know when I am going, and they are all ready and waiting for me! When I turn up they run to me and give me cuddles and high fives. This is amazing because I know they love my sessions and my personality.
Who would you most like to teach on one of your courses and why?
My husband, as he never wanted to do baby massage with our boys even when I told him the benefits of it. He was scared to touch the boys as they were so small.

What are your plans for the future?
I would love to learn to teach Music and Movements and work in a nursery setting with it just like I already do with toddler and pre-school yoga.

Thanks Zsuzsanna; it sounds like your hard work and dedication has paid off and you have the work life you hoped for. 
You can find Zsuzsanna's business Tiny Feet Massage and Yoga on Facebook and Instagram    
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