Toddler & child yoga breathing technique: bunny breath

Apr 22

With Spring in the air we'd like to introduce you to Bunny Breath, a cleansing and invigorating breathing technique for toddlers and young children. This is a wonderfully relaxing technique and can help children catch their breath.
So, just like a bunny, take three quick sniffs through the nose and one long exhale, also out of the nose.

Invite the children in your session to pretend to be bunnies, perhaps sniffing the air for other bunnies, carrots to eat or, even, safety. You can also use it when children are very upset and can’t find their breath, because it will help them connect to their exhale. This will result in them breathing steadily instead of getting into a hyperventilating mode.

New to toddler and child yoga? Interested in teaching? We've our fantastic toddler yoga instructor course available to study, at your own pace, from home. It's comprehensive, thorough and fascinating. You'll learn all you need to know to teach toddler and preschool yoga. Head here for more info.
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