How do you keep your skills up to date? I follow TBAB social media and want to get more involved in updates they offer. I have also done courses with Action for Children about baby development which has enhanced my practice and knowledge.
What qualities do you think are important in an instructor? Being friendly, engaging, flexible and unflappable!
What qualities do you think are important in an instructor? Being friendly, engaging, flexible and unflappable!
What benefits do you derive from teaching? Genuinely get that warm fuzzy feeling from teaching parents more about their wonderful babies and teaching them skills to help overcome challenges that can leave baby feeling miserable such as trapped wind or constipation.
Have you learnt anything surprising about baby massage? I always love sharing that the skin to skin contact is beneficial for both baby and parent – a genuine scientific boost to mood and wellbeing - it’s a win win!
What’s your top tip for other instructors? Creating a feeling of unconditional acceptance in the group is my number one aim. The more comfortable the adults feel, the happier the babies are.
Have you had an amusing experience in your work as an instructor? I am always chuckling at the babies with trapped wind who start expelling once we have worked on the tummy – most welcome proof that massage works!
Who would you most like to teach on one of your courses and why? Gosh I really can’t think of anyone! I really enjoy meeting the lovely parents that I do and spending time with them on their parenting journey.
What are your plans for the future? Winning the lottery and retiring to somewhere warm and sandy is out of my control so I think just continuing to strive to have a positive impact on others lives is good.
Thank you Rosie - there's some useful tips and advice there for anyone thinking about teaching baby massage. You can find Rosie's charitable organisation online here.
If teaching baby massage is something you're considering, take a look here at our course information. We've Zoom course options as well as our online self-paced course.